while working on something else[1], i noticed how many of the
repositories in the DPT salsa group are in poor shape:

* missing branches
* changes not pushed to salsa
* general misalignment in configuration/setup/organization
* many other small nuances

[1] https://github.com/sandrotosi/debian-python-team-tracker

That makes it hard to make mass work as in [1], so I thought it would
be interesting to have a tool to evaluate the amount of issues our
repos have, and identify such "violations" so that they can be

That information is now available at [2].

[2] https://github.com/sandrotosi/dpt-repos-check/blob/main/violations.txt

please take the content with caution, as it's still an early, raw
draft (i spot-checked some of the reported issues, but there could be
bugs/issues) and it contains data that can be outdated (see below re
caching); the fact that the report indicates only 43 repos are without
violations is a bit disarming, but i think the tool tries to err on
the side of verbosity and pedantry, with 2 level of violations (ERROR
and WARNING) to mark which ones are the most important that require
immediate attention vs the nice-to-have ones.

The checks are under-documented, although they should be somehow
self-explanatory. While the current format is just a text file, I plan
on getting it converted to markdown, although I'm still not sure how
to convey that amount of information effectively.

The report is extremely intensive to generate, as it needs to make 10+
API calls to salsa.d.o for each repository, and it gets throttled
quite early in the run (i got away in dev by installing a cache, so
that i could test it without hitting salsa every time, but that makes
some info stale); for that reason, and if we decide is valuable to
generate it periodically, i don't expect to be able to run it more
than once a month (maybe once a week? TBD).

Comments, critics and improvements are welcome.

Sandro "morph" Tosi
My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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