Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Edward Betts <>

* Package name    : bluetooth-data-tools
  Version         : 1.19.0
  Upstream Author : J. Nick Koston <>
* URL             :
* License         : Apache-2.0
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Python tools for converting bluetooth data and packets

  Comprehensive suite of utilities for managing and transforming Bluetooth data
  and packets within Python applications.
  Key features:
   - Data Conversion Tools: Functions to convert Bluetooth data into various
     formats, facilitating easier manipulation and analysis.
   - Packet Parsing: Utilities to parse Bluetooth advertisement data, enhancing
     the ability to interpret and utilize information broadcasted by BLE 
   - Privacy Enhancements: Methods to resolve private addresses using identity
     resolving keys (IRK), increasing security and privacy in Bluetooth
   - Distance Calculation: Functionality to estimate the distance between
     devices based on signal strength, useful for proximity-based applications.
   - Utility Functions: A collection of helper functions to perform common tasks
     such as converting MAC addresses to integers, generating human-readable
     names for devices, and extracting the newest manufacturer data from
     advertisement packets.

I plan to maintain this package as part of the Python team.

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