Andreas Tille <> writes:

> As someone who touched a lot of packages (>2000) I've always used quilt
> successfully and have seen quilt patches used by the majority of all
> those packages.  This is not only true for DPT than generally in Debian.
> Considering quilt as not recommended is definitely not matching the
> reality and should not be written in Wiki.

gbp pq is just another way of quilt patches. The debian/patches written
by gbp pq are compatable with quilt. The patches written to by quilt can
be read using gbp pq import.

While gbp pq has a patch queue stored in git, you probably don't want to
push this to a shared repo.

But: If you create patches with quilt, and then import and export them
using gbp pq you might find that gbp pq wants to make minor/trivial
changes to the unchanged patch files. Which can be irritating when
making security patches, etc. Maybe this is why the practise is not
Brian May @ Debian

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