Dear QA Developers,

first of all, apologizes for sending this message on your list. I don't
know what is the right place for this request. Please route that on the
right way if needed.

DDTP [1] is the Debian service which deals with translation for package
descriptions and provides them as Translation-LANG.bz2 file. It's a
funny work!
Unfortunately, DDTP parses Translation-en.bz2 file but it is not smart
enough to discard cruft package descriptions, this task is more
difficult than one might think.

Can you please manually remove cruft packages from the archive so that
translators can concentrate on the *real* descriptions without wasting
their time in translating old descriptions?

I've parsed Sources.xz file for sid/amd64 and I found a lot of
duplicated source packages (list attached). I'm pretty sure not all of
them are real duplicates but sphinx really is!

Thanks for considering.

Kind Regards


Attachment: list.xz
Description: application/xz

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