
when checking UDD dashboard for the Debian Med team[1] I see lots of

   debian/watch: uscan returned an error: In debian/watch no matching files for 
watch line http://sf.net/

expressions.  I suspect that this affects all packages hosted at
SourceForge.  When running uscan manually on my local machine uscan
works nicely for at least five examples I've checked.  It seems there
are circumstances when the UDD importer just fails while the watch file
is perfectly OK?

I checked UDD (mirror) for success and failure when scanning
http://sf.net/ watch files:

udd=> SELECT sf_success, count(*) from (select source, case when warnings like 
'In debian/watch no matching files for watch line%' THEN 'Fail' ELSE 'Success' 
END as sf_success from upstream where watch_file like '%http://sf.net/%') as 
tmp group by sf_success ;
 sf_success | count 
 Success    |   731
 Fail       |   544

I wanted to check the packages of Debian Med team and got:

udd=> select source, watch_file, case when warnings like 'In debian/watch no 
matching files for watch line%' THEN 'Fail' ELSE 'Success' END as sf_success 
from upstream where watch_file like '%http://sf.net/%' and source in (select 
distinct source from sources where maintainer_email = 
'debian-med-packag...@lists.alioth.debian.org' and release = 'sid') order by 
sf_success, source;
      source       |                                                      
watch_file                                                      | sf_success 
 amide             | # See uscan(1) for format                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | # Compulsory line, this is a version 3 file                
                   | version=3                                                  
                   | http://sf.net/amide/amide-(1.*)\.tgz                       
 codonw            | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | opts="uversionmangle=s/_/./g" \                            
                   | http://sf.net/codonw/CodonWSourceCode_([0-9_]+)\.tar\.gz   
 ctn               | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | opts=dversionmangle=s/([~\+]dfsg)// \                      
 emboss-explorer   | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | http://sf.net/embossgui/emboss-explorer-(.*)\.tar\.gz      
 fis-gtm           | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | http://sf.net/fis-gtm/fis-gtm-V(\d\.\d-\d+[A-F]*)\.tar\.gz 
 fsa               | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | opts="repacksuffix=+dfsg,dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg//g" \     
 libmialm          | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | opts="pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.asc/" 
 libvistaio        | version=3                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | opts=pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.asc/ \                           
                   | http://sf.net/mia/vistaio-(.+)\.tar\.xz                    
 libzerg           | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | http://sf.net/libzerg/libzerg_(.*)\.tar\.gz                
 lucy              | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | opts="uversionmangle=s%^.*lucy%%" http://sf.net/lucy/ 
lucy(.*)\.tar\.gz                                             +| 
 miaviewit         | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | http://sf.net/mia/miaviewit-([\d.]+)\.tar\.xz              
 mipe              | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | http://sf.net/mipe/ mipe-(.*)\.tar.gz                      
 mira              | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
                   | http://sf.net/mira-assembler/mira-([\d.]+)\.tar\.bz2       
... snip ...
 xmedcon           | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Fail
opts="repacksuffix=+dfsg,dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg//g,repack,compression=xz" \    
                   |    http://sf.net/xmedcon/xmedcon-(.*)\.tar\.gz             
 abacas            | version=3                                                  
                                                         +| Success
                   | http://sf.net/abacas/abacas\.([\d\.]+)\.pl \               
                   |  debian debian/get-orig-source                             
 artfastqgenerator | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Success
                   | opts=uversionmangle=s/^(\d\d)_(\d\d)_(20\d\d)$/0.0.$3$2$1/ 
\                                                        +| 
 \       +| 
                   |   debian debian/get-orig-source                            
 bio-rainbow       | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Success
opts="repacksuffix=+dfsg,dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg//g,repack,compression=xz" \    
 brig              | version=3                                                  
                                                         +| Success
                   | opts="repacksuffix=+dfsg,dversionmangle=s/\+dfsg//g" \     
 \                           +| 
                   |    debian debian/get-orig-source                           
 eegdev            | version=4                                                  
                                                         +| Success
                   | http://sf.net/eegdev/eegdev-@ANY_VERSION@@ARCHIVE_EXT@     

I admit I can not see any pattern inside the watch files - may be its
just a "bad timing" effect.  Any ideas are welcome.

Kind regards




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