
On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 03:20:37PM +0200, Philippe Thierry wrote:
> >> I'm currently looking forward to package bettercap[1][2] in Debian,
> >yet this tool as multiple unsatistied dependencies on ruby libs:
> >> ruby-em-proxy (>= 0.1.8)
> >> ruby-net-dns (>= 0.8.0)
> >> ruby-network-interface (>= 0.0.1)
> >> ruby-rubydns (>= 1.0.3)

I had a brief look at ruby-net-dns. The package looks good. I noticed
though that the tests are not run, despite the presence of
ruby-tests.rake. This is because the package uses test-unit instead of
rspec. So in debian/ruby-tests.rake, you should require gem2deb/rake/testtask.rb
instead of gem2deb/rake/spectask.rb and use a Gem2Deb::Rake::TestTask
instead of RSpecTask
(the pattern using files in test/ instead of spec/).

Can you check if you can make the test run, and ensure that is the case
also for the other packages?



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