On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 09:48:19PM +0000, Mikhail Sobolev wrote:
 MS> clamav - powerful anti-virus scanner for Unix.
 MS> clamav-daemon - powerful anti-virus scanner daemon.
 MS> clamav-testfiles - Use these files to test that your antivirus program 

oav-update - OpenAntiVirus virus signature update script using many sites
sanitizer - The Anomy Mail Sanitizer - an email virus scanner
scannerdaemon - virus scanner written in Java
amavis-exim - Interface between MTA and virus scanner.
amavis-milter - Interface between MTA and virus scanner.
amavis-postfix - Interface between MTA and virus scanner.
mailscanner - An email virus scanner and spam tagger.

На -devel не так давно был тред про OpenAntiVirus, за которым я не
следил -- поройтесь в архивах.

Дмитрий Бородаенко
