Timur Elzhov wrote:
On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 05:55:59AM -0500, Carlos Lenz wrote:

Timur - Thank you for the information.
Could you please explain what features the ALSA test application provides?

   * playback from file?
   * playback from memory buffers?
   * recording to file or memory buffers?
   * simultaneous audio recording & playback?

Only file playback was perfomed. Despite of I didn't test the recording,
it should be easy, a couple of values should modified in the code.

But, could you clarify what do you mean by flowing from/to memory buffer?
Do we really need to store sound files in the memory? Why?
Timur no playback from memory buffers is not necessary.  I was just curious.  Testing simultaneous audio recording & playback is important though.

*It looks like Ivan has been able to successfully send messages with the tmSIP stack. 
You may be able to attempt to test using the asterisk echo test very soon to test the ALSA support with the RTP streams.

Eric - Where are the makefile for building pwlib & openh323 for ARM?  
Are they in CVS yet?
I think it would be a good idea to put the compiled versions of the libs 
in CVS for easy retrieval/access.


