
Am Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 08:29:58AM -0400 schrieb David Bremner:
> Personally I often find it hard to prioritize understanding the MRs from
> the janitor, and I'm not comfortable with having a bot commit to a repo
> that I am responsible for. Perhaps I'm just old fashioned. I'm an
> uploader only for a tiny fraction of the team's packages, so my views
> should not block anything. I guess I can always pull a few packages from
> the team space on Salsa.

I admit I share the old fashioned view and we asket Jelmer to not
run Janitor on Debian Med and R-pkg-team.  The rationale is that
we are running


on all our packages.  Routine-update is running all scripts that are
called by Janitor and thus you have the same effect.  However, these
changes are made under actual observation when the developer is
intending to work on the package possibly with the goal for an upload.

I personally prefer routine-update over Janitor and I'd recommend
to regularly use it since besides sensible upgrade features it also
normalises the format of the team maintained packages.  I'm running

    routine-update -f

on packages where no new upstream is available but if I have other
reasons to work on the package.

Kind regards


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