also sprach Brett Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006.02.21.1023 +0100]:
> *blink* - erm, just out of interest, how does this help? This is just
> going to stop packets from going to that IP, it's not going to stop
> things resolving to that IP, so instead of getting a slow connection
> you're just going to get a connection refused...

... at which point APT will try the next record IIRC. I hope I am
not misremembering this...

> seems like an odd way of doing things - maybe it would be better
> to use a local caching nameserver that you can configure to filter
> out that IP when there is more than one A record available
> instead? (I can't think of a simple way of doing that off the top
> of my head, though)

It also bears the risk of hardcoding and forgetting, or missing an

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