> Am 2008-01-23 09:19:01, schrieb William Twomey:
> > It's my understanding (and experience) that a Debian system by default
> > is vulnerable to SYN flooding (at least when running services) and other
> > such mischeif. I was curious as to why tcp_syncookies (and similar
> > things) are not enabled by default.
> Hmm, in three month I am using Debian GNU/linux since 9 years and was
> never synflooded or hacked and currenly I am maintaining a world wide
> network of 280 Servers and over 900 Workstations...
> Ind I have services running, but at least only those, which are REALY
> required and not more.
> > Many distros (RPM-based mostly from my experience) ask you during the
> > install if you'd like to enable firewall protection. I was curious if
> > debian was every going to have this as an option?
> Sorry, but Debian is NOT a "install and do not ask questions" distri.
> Here, the $USER has the choice of a couple of different firewall
> solutions and some $USER may use only an $EDITOR and hack some ipt
> lines down.
> > One solution could be to have a folder called /etc/security/iptables
> > that contains files that get passed to iptables at startup (in the same
> > way /etc/rc2.d gets read in numeric order). So you could have files like
> > 22ssh, 23ftp, etc. with iptable rules in each file. You could also have
> > an 'ENABLED' variable like some files in /etc/default have (so that
> > ports wouldn't be opened by default; the user would have to manually
> > enable them for the port to be opened).
> >
> > Then they'd just run /etc/init.d/iptables restart and the port would be
> > opened (flush the rules, reapply).
> Nice idea, but not flexible enough since it CAN conflict with most
> firewall solutions.
> > Even a central iptables-save format file that gets passed to iptables at
> > startup would be nice. It's easy enough to do manually, but would be
> > nice to see integrated with debian itself (packages managing their own
> > rules, etc.).
> But for most firewall solutions not usable...
> I have already tried the ipt-save/restor stuff on my routers but it let
> me drive crazy...
> > Is debian every going to introduce a better way of having iptables rules
> > be run at startup and easily saved/managed, or will this always be a
> > manual process?
> I think not.
> Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
>    Michelle Konzack
>    Systemadministrator
>    Tamay Dogan Network
>    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant
> --

What about Firestarter? (www.fs-security.com). Is it a good solution to a
personal use firewall?

-Ferg @ www.FergSoft.com
Linux User #463470 at counter.li.org

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