Il 01/12/2011 21:47, Florian Weimer ha scritto:
* Moritz Mühlenhoff:

Florian, what's the status of openjdk6 for stable/oldstable?
I've released the pending update for squeeze.  lenny will eventually
follow, and so will the pending updates for squeeze, but judging by my
past performance, it will take a while.

If someone else wants to work on these updates, I'll gladly share what
I've learnt about the packaging.

I would also be very happy of helping, if possible.

I'm not a Debian expert, but I'm quite smart with linux (I've used Slackware and Gentoo until this year) and since I feel sooo confortable with Debian I really would like to delve into the distibution internals and, why not, help the security team! :-)

So, if you think I can help you, just let me know how.


*Andrea Zwirner*
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