Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

I have a sid box with 2 videocards/monitors/keyboards/mice.

from gdm.conf:

name=Standard server

command=/usr/bin/X1 :0 -layout X1 -dpi 110 -deferglyphs 16 -isolateDevice \"PCI:0:10:0\" vt7
# Definition of the second X server.
name=2nd server
command=/usr/bin/X0 :1 -layout X0 -dpi 110 -deferglyphs 16 -isolateDevice \"PCI:1:0:0\" -sharevts

Only the tube on vt7 can have vt textconsoles *and* can use gpm.

The corresponding xorg.conf entries are:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Mouse0"
        Driver          "evdev"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/event5" # (cat /proc/bus/input/devices)
        Option          "Name" "A4Tech USB Optical Mouse"
        Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "6 7 4 5"
        Option          "Buttons"               "12"

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier      "Mouse1"
        Driver          "evdev"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/event6" # (cat /proc/bus/input/devices)
        Option          "Name" "A4Tech USB Optical Mouse"
        Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "6 7 4 5"
        Option          "Buttons"               "12"

My problem is that when the tube on vt7 switches to a vt testconsole and uses the mouse *even though gpm has been stopped*, the mouse cursor on the second monitor starts to move!

I have 2 questions:
1. Is there a textconsole function for copying/pasting similar to gpm for the *keyboard*? 2. Whose bug is this? Since I assume this is erroneous behavior. Can't be gpm because that isn't running. When it runs it behaves normal.

This problem got resolved by installing the latest legacy

and changing file /usr/src/nv/nv-linux.h line 529 to have one less NULL parameter.

I also had to change my xorg.conf to use "Device" for the keyboards instead of "Phys".

That legacy driver runs well with the latest Xorg 7.3 from Sid and the latest kernel 2.6.23-1-686.

BTW I never got 'nv' to run with that: the keyboards wouldn't work.


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  • mouse foibles Hugo Vanwoerkom
    • Re: mouse foibles Hugo Vanwoerkom

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