On Fri, Apr 26, 2002 at 02:44:50PM +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> Mahlzeit.


> Wie kann ich exim denn beibringen, bestimmte Mails weiterzugeben, auch
> wenn der Empfänger laut Adresse lokal zu sein scheint?

suchst du folgendes?

bei aliasfile director:


  include_domain (aliasfile)

   Type: boolean
   Default: false

   Setting this option true causes the key that is looked up to be
   `local-part@domain' instead of just `local-part'. Thus a single file
   can be used to hold aliases for many local domains. This option has
   no effect if the search type specifies a query-style lookup.

   If you want include defaults for each domain in an alias file in the

*@domain1:  default@domain1
*@domain2:  default@domain2

   then you need to include `*@' in the search type (for example,
   dbm*@). See section 6.1 for details of this kind of search.


weiteres in der exim doku.

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