Shalom, from the Holy Land - may Peace be with you.

We have found your email through a Christian / Catholic website.

We at Crown Of Thorns offer an unique collection of hand made Christian /  Catholic 
products, made in the Holy Land. Our assortment comprises holy water, oil, rosaries, 
crosses and crowns of thorns, which come with a certificate of origin. 
Crown of Thorns has been created by a group of believers that live in the Holy Land. 
Our mission is to provide the Holy Land experience to all the Christian / Catholic 
people abroad, that due to the harsh times have a difficulty to visit the Holy Land 
for Pilgrimage.

We would like to invite you to visit our website at

In case you are a retailer or wholeseller of Christian / Catholic products, we suggest 
you to visit

Thank you for your consideration and may God Bless You.

With kind regards from the Holy land,

Crown of Thorns
Jerusalem, Israel


P.S. We would appreciate it if you could pass this message along to anyone who might 
be interested. 

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