* Bjoern Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2004-07-31 17:52 +0200:
> Andre Berger wrote:
> >>Habe die gleiche Frage, aber ein anderes Handy: Nokia 6230
> > 
> >gnokii?
> Frage oder Antwort?

Es funktionert jedenfalls per Kabel mit dem 6310, drahtlos konnte ich
es nicht testen :)

  gnokii supports most Nokia phones from the 3110/3180, 5110/6110, 7110/6210
  and 6510/6310 series, details including bugs specific to each series appear
  in the files README-3810, README-6110, README-7110 and README-6510
  respectively. Also all AT compatible phones are supported.
  See also README-dancall, README-ericsson, README-siemens and README-Symbian
  for notes on these phones.

   For Nokia 7110/62X0/6310 models you need either DAU9P or DLR3P cable. With
   DLR3P cable you can use AT commands to talk to the phone. These phones are
   also able to use an irda connection.

Viel Glueck!


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