A ver gente actualizo... me fije en la FSF y hay un apartado donde
dice para denunciar la violacion de las licencias, el tema es que mi
ingles no es muy bueno y para cuestiones legales tampoco soy bueno...
El tema es que baje la informacion que piden para hacer la denuncia y
entre lineas complete los datos mas o menos precisos.

Serian tan amables de de chequear estos datos, las preguntas y
respuestas que puse para ver si hay errores y ver si efectivamente se
trata de una violacion a un licencia GPL (a mi me lo parece) pero no
quiero hacer despelote sin razon.

Copio y pego debajo los datos, si efectivamente es una violacion a la
licencia deberiamos hacer algo al respecto.

Saludos y espero sus respuestas.

If you think you see a violation of the GNU GPL, LGPL, AGPL, or FDL,
the first thing you should do is double-check the facts:

    * Does the distribution contain a copy of the License?


    * Does it clearly state which software is covered by the License?
Does it say anything misleading, perhaps giving the impression that
something is covered by the License when in fact it is not?

The original proyect have a GPL licence (
http://sourceforge.net/projects/morgoao ) but this MOD dont have
license and no have source code.

    * Is source code included in the distribution?


    * Is a written offer for source code included with a distribution
of just binaries?


   * Is the available source code complete, or is it designed for
linking in other non-free modules?


If there seems to be a real violation, the next thing you need to do
is record the details carefully:

    * the precise name of the product

ImperiumAO ( http://www.imperiumao.com.ar/ )

    * the name of the person or organization distributing it

Augusto Rando

    * email addresses, postal addresses and phone numbers for how to
contact the distributor(s)


    * the exact name of the package whose license is violated


    * how the license was violated:
          o Is the copyright notice of the copyright holder included?

        Modified of the original copyright notice

          o Is the source code completely missing?

        The source code of the MOD is not publicated

          o Does the written offer for source, if given, only give a website
and/or FTP site where to download the source?

        No source code is available

          o Is there a copy of the license included in the distribution?


          o Is some of the source available, but not all? If so, what parts
are missing?

        No source code is available (SIC)

The more of these details that you have, the easier it is for the
copyright holder to pursue the matter.

Once you have collected the details, you should send a precise report
to the copyright holder of the packages that are being misused. The
copyright holder is the one who is legally authorized to take action
to enforce the license.

If the copyright holder is the Free Software Foundation, please send
the report to <license-violat...@gnu.org>. It's important that we be
able to write back to you to get more information about the violation
or product. So, if you use an anonymous remailer, please provide a
return path of some sort. If you'd like to encrypt your
correspondence, just send a brief mail saying so, and we'll make
appropriate arrangements.


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