On Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 09:11:40AM -0700, Brenden wrote:
| Hi all, new debian user here with some basic questions.
| My resolv.conf file keeps getting reset to nothing (well, just the
| two comment lines warning me not to change things manually)
| everytime I reboot.  I just plain don't have any idea what could be
| causing this.  Ideas? Help?

My guess is you are using DHCP and the DHCP server on the network
doesn't tell the clients what nameserver to use.

If you are responsible for the DHCP server, then fix its

If you have no control over the DHCP server, then configure your
client to override the DNS settings reported by DHCP.  If you are
using the 'dhcp-client' package (instead of pump or dhcpcd) then look
at /etc/dhclient.conf.  The following lines from my dhclient.conf file
will be of interest to you:
    supersede  domain-name "dman13.dyndns.org" ;
    supersede  domain-name-servers ;

(if you don't use DHCP, then nothing should change /etc/resolv.conf at all)


"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
    --Jim Elliot
www: http://dman13.dyndns.org/~dman/            jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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