dbosz wrote:
> my company LAN use proxy with socks 5 authentification
> . How to set apt-get to through this proxy server to
> go to Internet. I tried this
>   set http_proxy="my_proxy_addres:port"
>   set ftp_proxy="my_proxy_addres:port"
> but it not working. 

I have a similar arrangement.  I have the following in my
/etc/apt/apt.conf file:

  Acquire::http::Proxy "http://web-proxy:8088/";;
  Acquire::http::Proxy::debdepot DIRECT;

The first says use the proxy "web-proxy" on port 8088 which is our
configuration.  The second says don't use the proxy for that
particular machine name "debdepot" since I run a local mirror there.

> Do I need to put username and password for proxy?   

Not usually.


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