On Fri, 15 Nov 2002 07:22:40 -0500
Brian White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > Pursuant to Appendix A of the Debian Constitution and the
> > > guidelines offered at http://www.debian.org/vote/howto_proposal, I
> > > hereby offer the following draft proposal as the beginning of a
> > > General Resolution process to decide this issue.

Now - ain't that cute,

why do people that don't want non-free .deb's just remove it from their
sources line? If that stuff gets kicked out of official debian you will
just have to get a bunch of other sources and end up with a lot of
traffic in the mailing lists that goes like'why isn't my movie player
playing anything?' - no more win32 codecs'why can't I play .mp3's?' - no
more here either and the list goes on...

Besides of that I really get bored that for everything there needs to be
an action committee with votes and chairman these days - the guys that
decide what goes into debian pretty much do so as they wish anyway. And
they doing a good job there in my opinion. 

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