I had tried the first item you suggested before reverting back to normal
lpr, I do recall.  I also seem to remember that in some of Samba's
documentation, the lprng option was mentioned, while in other areas where
the options for printing were listed, lprng was not mentioned.

I do not recall if I tried the second thing, but lpq, lprm, and lpr all
worked fine from the local box, and lpr worked from Win95.  If somebody
could print, I would think that they would also have permission to view the

   On Mar 3, Craig Sanders wrote:

> On Sun, 2 Mar 1997, John Goerzen wrote:
> > > i've got it running on my system, using lprng & magicfilter with   .
> > > samba no problems. it works                                        .
> >
> > Not in my experience. I also tried lprng, magicfilter, and samba. I
> > found the same "nonprintable" option and turned it off. The Win95 box
> > appeared to print correctly, BUT it could NOT view the print queue,
> > delete sent jobs, etc. With lpr instead of lprng, the Win95 box could
> > do all of that like it is supposed to be able to.
> a couple of things that might help:
> 1.  check your /etc/smb.conf.  Does it have a line like:
>         printing = lprng
>     in the [global] section
>     see man pages for samba and smb.conf - samba has specific support for
>     lprng.
> 2.  check your /etc/lpd.perms - you may not have set up the permissions
>     correctly to allow the win95 box to see the queue and/or delete jobs.
> craig

John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
Custom Programming    | 

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