
I am wondering how to set up systems in this way:

 * A Debian server, with a large hard disk, with a fairly full install of
 * Multiple Debian client machines, with small hard disks (often 100 meg or
   less).  I'd like to mount, at minimum, /usr from the Debian server.
   /usr should be mounted over NFS in read-only mode.

My questions are:
 * How do I go about installing packages on the client?  I would assume
   that I install packages in the normal way on the server, but that
   wouldn't update the client's /etc directory.  However, I do not want to
   try to install on the client since it would fail if it tries to write
   anything in /usr.
 * How do I remove packages?  Again, if I remove from the server, there
   may still be files left in the client's /etc and /var directories.
 * What is the suggested method for going about this?

John Goerzen

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