This is a known problem, I believe.  Check the info under the
disks-i386 directory -- I think there is a file in there that mentions

FYI, you should try this, as root on the console:

shadowconfig off
shadowconfig on

"Richard Harran." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have just installed the X11 graphical windows program, at the same time
> as upgrading from debian 1.2 -> 1.3.  It all worked fine at the time, and
> I selected to have X11 coming up automatically on start-up.  However, I
> have just rebooted my machine, and after the usual linux start-up
> messages, it came up with the login window in X11.  I entered 'root' as
> user name, and my password (I need to make linux bootable from
> hard-drive), but kept getting login incorrect.  (I installed shadow
> passwords when upgrading to 1.3, if this has any effect).  Is there a way
> I can get linux to boot-up without starting X11 (preferably without
> resorting to the rescue disk), and/or change my password?  Is the problem
> that you can't login to X11 as root?
> Cheers
> Rich.
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John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (
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