Remco van de Meent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hey
> Did anyone get 'locale' to work?
> I don't see any differences in for example the `ls -l` output, when
> setting the LANG environment variable to different strings.

The problems are the application.  Only a few application currently
supports locales, e.g. for de_DE su, man, ls.
ls -j for examples reply with the following message:

        ls: invalid option -- j
        Versuchen Sie `ls --help' für weitere Informationen.
        ^^^^^^^^ Try 'ls --help' for more information.

Probably the only translated message for ls.

> What strings should I use exactly?

I use de_DE for Germany's German. You should probably use nl_NL for
Netherland.  Just trying:

   $ export LANG=nl_NL
   $ ls -j
   Probeer `ls --help' voor meer informatie.

BTW: I hope you have the wg15-locale package installed?


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