Bruce Perens writes:
> Sometime after I first started talking with the press about i2o,
> someone pointed out that the i2o group had left their standard document
> (about 500 pages) on their anonymous FTP server.
> ...
> As far as I can tell, they have blown any non-disclosure case they ever
> might have had.

I just read everything on the I2O site, including the "Initiative
Agreement".  While they require that the "standard" itself be kept secret,
I see nothing that would prohibit the publication of a driver with source.

> Unless they make _tremendous_ changes in their standard, we now know all
> of what we need to know to write device drivers for it.

They can't make major changes: there are already products in the pipeline.
Minor changes should be easy to reverse-engineer, given the current

If I2O becomes a truly public standard, I think it will be big plus for
free software.

Anyone heard any rumors about where to find a copy of the standard?
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