Using apache 1.1.3-6.

The apache httpd is currently installed and running on my system (kernel
2.0.30).  However, only the default files will show up.
No matter what I do, I can't get apache to serve my files.  The
documentation which comes with the distribution pops up when you
point your web browser to your own machine.  This documentation states
that the default document root is set to /home/www-data/webspace.
This is in error.  No such directory was created by the installation

I then created this directory and populated it with files including
index.html.  The directory structure below
/home/www-data was chowned to user www-data group root.  This has no
effect.  So, after trying a number of obvious things,
I'm hoping that someone can tell me the secret to working this

And more broadly speaking, it seems that the documentation actually
needed to run apache was not included in the distribution.
I'm still wading through the apache site for information, but, it
appears that this distribution is different in many ways than
the default apache distribution.  I'm really disappointed in this
package maintainer's idea of user friendly.  It's one thing to save time

during installation and another thing to waste scads of time during
setup when all the information you need just isn't there and the
package doesn't behave as advertized.  I would like to keep this package
just to maintain debian compatability, however, I bet
I could compile and setup apache from scratch faster than pluggin around
with this package.

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