> It just dawned on me that all intel packages must be compiled for 386 to
> make them intel platform-independant.  I am wondering how much of a
> performance boost can be had by recompiling them for 486 or pentium.

10% improvement would probably be about the maximum.  While 10% is the
point where things start becoming significant, it would only make any
noticeable difference on a couple packages, so I don't think it's worth
it in general.

> While it is probably a waste of disk space to have trees for each type of
> CPU (i386, i486, i586), it MIGHT be worthwhile to have a kernal binary for
> each target if a performance boost can be gotten.

For any type of performance system, people should build their own kernels
anyway, in my opinion.

Also, because of the nice way Debian source builds itself, anyone can
easily recompile any package that they want the extra speed boost on.

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