Brian White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thus, I think libc6 should include it.  It appears that libc6 now includes
> a manpage for "ltell" (which, I agree, is what the function should have been
> named in the first place).  However, for compatibility reasons, there should
> be a "#define tell(a,b,c) ltell(a,b,c)" in <unistd.h>.
> Can anybody confirm if "ltell" exists in libc5?

No, I get a 

        /tmp/cca030211.o: In function `main':
        /tmp/cca030211.o(.text+0x9): undefined reference to `ltell'

error message while compiling a file calling that function.


"What a depressingly stupid machine"
                              The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
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