On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, Johann Spies wrote:
> If you look at the header of this message, you will see that where the
> other messages shows the sender of the message, this one shows "To:
> Debian-poslys .....".  
> How do I change that?  I am using Pine and smail.
On my suystem it does not. It looks fine like all other people's emails. 

I have the same problem on my smail and pine set-up. My emails shows "To:
..." and not my name. I guess it may be waht our pine system shows rather
than what everyone sees.

I am interested in the solution to this because I don't like it too. But
rest assured your email looked fine for me. I think someone else has
already told you saw. 
Daniel J. Mashao                
Electrical Engineering                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town             http://www.ee.uct.ac.za/~daniel 
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