bill writes:
> Some ISPs using CHAP present the "username"/"password" sort of thing (of
> course "username:" might be something else like "login:", "account:",
> etc.  but actually don't use them for ppp logins.  If the script "wakes
> up getty" on such systems, a ppp login attempt will fail.

Yes, I'm aware of that.  If the user specifies pap or chap such prompts
will be ignored.

> I personally am trying to play around with the multiple ISP problem here
> and while in principle it ought to be "trivial" it is proving to be
> anything but!

Richard has already solved it (though at the cost of seperate config files
for each user).

> Inasmuch as hamm seems to create the "/etc/ppp/peer" directory and the
> "etc/chatscripts/provider" file, I would suggest that any user
> configuration tool default to naming the "provider" files with name
> related to the users input thus in effect making the existing "provider"
> files "example" files.

I intend to do something like that.

> pon" itself seems only to lack the ability to accept either an arguement
> (which might be a security problem) or a "choice" which should not be a
> problem.

The user can also simply type 'pppd call <provider>'.

> I also feel as though the whole process, as it currently exists (in bo),
> of setting up an ISP connection is horribly messy.

I agree.  This is partly an upstream problem.  2.3.1 improves the situation
quite a bit.

> I don't know your own priorities but suggest that ALL connection methods
> be considered for eventual inclusion in your setup software, even slip.

I monitor the newsgroups for questions about "getting on-line".  I don't
recall the last time I saw one about slip.  Does anyone on this list use

I've dunc to where it deals properly with my isp.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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