On Mon, 29 Dec 1997, Timothy Hospedales wrote:

>       My current Debian system is off FTP sites. I am looking to buy Debian on
> CD when the next version comes out with libc6 standardized. What are the
> pro's and con's have you guys noticed for the different vendors?

I bought my 1.2 CD from Cheapbytes and didn't have any problems.
Historically,  the Infomagic Debian CDs have caused a few problems.  We
now have a Debian Official CD program where any cd which claims to be an
"Official Debian CD" is guarunteed (by the seller) to be a direct
bit-for-bit copy of our CD masters,  so anything under that label should
be fine.


|                       http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/                   |
|            If at first you don't succeed,  redefine success.           |
|                   -- Taken from Hennesey and Patterson,                |
| _Computer_Organization_And_Design_:_The_Hardware_/_Software_Interface_ |

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