On Mon, 29 Dec 1997, Timothy Hospedales wrote:

>       Hey guys! I've got a really *bizarre* problem!!!  When I am using my PPP
> dialup connection, I can use everything on the 'net perfectly. EXECEPT,
> that I cannot access any dialup IP's in my ISP's domain, including my own.
> Any attempt at contacting, using the IPs directly, or via a dyn.ml.org
> domain name, with PING's, or various clients fail.

type "ifconfig"
This lists your interfaces and should give you your IP address that your
system is listening on. Look for "inet addr" under ppp0, try pinging that
address - that should work.

As they are dial-up systems : maybe they aren't logged on???

Hope this helps,


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Customer: "My computer isn't working now" Tech Support: "Yes, you said that"

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