Brandon writes:
> ""           ATDT7454342
> host:        ppp
> ""           amwalker
> ""           \qpassword\q


ABORT           "NO CARRIER"
ABORT           VOICE
ABORT           BUSY
""              ATZ
OK              ATDT7454342
CONNECT         ""
host:           \dppp
login           \damwalker
password        \d\qpassword

This tells chat to:

a) Abort on receipt of the report strings "NO DIALTONE", "NO CARRIER",
   "VOICE", or "BUSY".

b) Expect nothing and send ATZ, resetting the modem to its default state.
   This is usually factory programmed to the best configuration for ppp.  
   If yours is different, replace "ATZ" with an appropriate init string.

c) Expect "OK", which is what a reset modem should say, and send the phone

d) Expect "CONNECT", which is what the modem says when it gets carrier, and
   send nothing.

e) Expect the string "host:" and send "ppp" after a 1 second delay (the
   "\d" tells chat to delay 1 second).

f) Expect "login" and send "amwalker" after a 1 second delay.

g) Expect "password" and send the password after a 1 second delay, and
   don't write it to the log file (the "\q" suppresses writing to the log).

I put the one second delays in because I've found that some isp's can't
handle an immediate response.  I left out the "\q" after the password
because it doesn't belong there.  Its presence in the example file is an

You should also test to see if your isp supports pap.  To do this just
delete everything on the chatscript after the word "CONNECT", set up your
pap-secrets file, and try it.
John Hasler                This posting is in the public domain.
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