At 12:30 PM 1/18/98 -0800, Dave Neuer wrote:
>I am having problems getting the DBI drivers for mSQL working on my
>Debian Linux 1.3.1 system.  I am using mSQL 2.0.3, DBI 0.91, and

Concerning the DBI problems, I have no advice; I use rather than
the DBI interface for two reasons:

1. It's more stable than the mSQL/DBI interface, and

2. DBI will soon be superceded by some form of ODBC (if Tim Bunce and
   Alligator Descartes can be believed).

>The second test generates the following output:
>    t/10dsnlist.........
>    Cannot connect: Unknown database "test"
>     Either your server is not up and running or you have no
>     permissions for acessing the DSN DBI:mSQL:test.
>     This test requires a running server and write permissions.
>     Please make sure your server is running and you have
>     permissions, then retry.
>    1..2
>    not ok 1
>    dubious
>     Test returned status 10 (wstat 2560)

What you'll need to do is make a database called 'test' (you'd think
there'd be a mention in the README that such a thing is necessary ... c'est
la vie). Try this:

/usr/local/Hughes/bin/msqladmin create test

That should do it.

>Things that I have checked:  YES, THE SERVER IS RUNNING.  I can see it
>listed with the command "ps -ax," and I am able to create a database
>using the msqladmin utility.  As far as write permission goes, because I
>don't have an ACL file yet (since I don't really have any databases
>created except as tests) mSQL prints the message that permission is
>global read/write, so it seems like that shouldn't be an issue.  The
>thing I'm more uncertain about is where mSQL is supposed to find these
>databases called "test" in the first place, and I'm not sure how to even
>determine this.

Concerning the ACL file, I've had trouble giving non-root users appropriate
permissions. If you can't connect to the server, try doing so as root.

Paul Heinlein
Computer Bits Magazine   
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