Ralph Winslow wrote:
> The Debian distribution is very large - you're far better served to
> install
> the base system only for an initial installation, and then choose e few
> packages
> at a time to install.  If you take this approach, your chances of
> success will
> improve ... vastly.

Sounds like very good advice. Since I don't have a backup system for the
Win95 partition, I have to move very, very carefully. I think if I can
once determine 1) the best boot method for this system, and 2) figure a
way to install a bootable Win 3.1 system into the second primary
partition, and 3) determine just where these various boot programs and
sectors are located, I'll be in a much better position to move ahead
with adding more packages.

> When next you install Debian, have it install lilo and during your first
> re-boot
> edit /etc/lilo.conf (I'll attach a copy of mine) and re-run lilo.  
Where does it install Lilo? It appears to install in the front-end of
the 1st partition, where the Win95 boot setup is located, and I've read
that Win95 has a cow if it's boot setup is messed up. However Partition
Magic's Boot Manager installed very nicely in a partition at the high
end of the drive and I was able to boot into win95 from there and also
the successful RedHat installation where I didn't allow it to set up

By the way, I didn't see your copy of lilo.conf in your last post. :)
It sure would be neat to see it and perhaps even comments of what each
line does. *(Not asking much, eh? <grin>)*

> will allow you to boot either WinBloat95 or Linux (or NT or OS/2 or
> whatever - run man lilo
> for details).

The man pages I think are only available after linux is installed,
unless I'm mistaken. I've been digging around for web or ftp-based docs.
Any good suggestions?

> Lots of people do that and like the results.  I prefer to let lilo
> manage things,
> but of course YMMV.  I think it's cleaner to the the boot manager (lilo)
> manage
> booting and each OS manage its slice(s).

I think I'd be happy to let lilo replace the Boot Manager, *if* I could
trust and know what it's doing and where its files are located. 

> In any case, as long as your e-mail is functinal, I think you'll find
> that the response of this list will get you running and keep you running
> better than any
> other resource (other than a personal Guru) that I can think of.

I sure hope so. There have been lots of good posts there and the
archives, except for lacking a multi-month search capability seem to be
the best I've seen, at least within a particular month.

> Besides this
> list is smarter than even my old Guru.  Something to do with collective
> mind.

When we were using Macs, the internet cooperation John (?), the author
of Disinfectant had with multiple world-wide testers and other helpers
was the first I'd seen of an internet-wide cooperation.

Now to see the same cooperation with the Debian developers is very
heartening. :)


--David E. Scott      Ohio Administrative Services

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