On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Tony wrote:

> I seem to to have a manpage for latex2rtf, but nothing that the system can 
> find. Does anyone know which package it is in?

Hate to do this, but it is in the latex2rtf package:) Now to be helpful -
I assume you mean "man latex2rtf" works, but there seems to be no
latex2rtf executable. Here's a few things to try to help track down the

try "dpkg --status latex2rtf" to see the status of the package. Maybe it
was removed but failed to erase the man page.

try "whereis latex2rtf" to search the whereis database to see if it lists
the executable. The output should look like 

cgowave-3-77:~/tsp/citibase$ whereis latex2rtf
latex2rtf: /usr/bin/latex2rtf /usr/lib/latex2rtf  /usr/man/man1/latex2rtf.1.gz

try "find /usr -name latex2rtf" to find the executable.

If the package is there but latex2rtf is not in the path (or the
executable is missing, etc) remove the package and reinstall it.

Cheers, Colin.

Colin Telmer, Kingston, Ontario, Canada

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