I HOPE that this message gets through to the list...
the last ones I sent were bounced back with a message about the SMTP
server I am using not stopping spammers
(I have been using the delphi one because my acount is on delphi and it
is a reliable one)
I am now attempting to use helix (a local network smtp sevrer that I
have no acount on..
yes I know that I don't need an acount to use SMTP...but I just like
using servers
that I have permission to use...not that the helix people here at work
would mind but..)
I have had a slight problem with menu (the package for making the
default menus in
the Debian Xwindows system)
I installe dthe GIMP from source (and also installed netscape from
netscapes own installer)
and wanted them on the menus...unfortunalty the menu program
works in conjuction with the package management system to make
sure a package is installed b4 processing its menus
GIMP and Netscape were locally installed...so..whats the PROPER way to
add default menus for them?
I solved the problem by saying that the package that the menu was for wa
sthe "menu" package itself
it seems like a working solution (I mean..menu itself HAS to be
installed fo rit to even
It works great but...I don't really LIK Ethat solution
it would be nice if there was a way to add package names and limited
(or is there already a way) for locally installed packages...
for example the Apache webserver that i compiled and installed from
is it just me? am I missing something?

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