Eloy A. Paris wrote:

> Roy C Bixler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Yes, this is a problem.  The only fix I know of right now is to get the
> : ncpfs-2.1.1.tar.gz file, compile with libc5 and use it.  Elroy Paris did
> OK guys, I finally managed to make ncpfs-2.1.1 compile and work under
> libc6. I have just released a new package called ncpfsx. Use this
> package if you want to play around with ncpfs and kernels > 2.1.29.
> For older kernels use package ncpfs.
> I have just uploaded to master the new package but it'll take some
> time until it gets added to Hamm. In the meanwhile it'll be in
> Incoming.
> Let me know of any problems you find with package ncpfsx. For me it
> worked great.
> Good luck.

Thanks to Roy and ELroy for the info....

Sorry to be a pest, but can you tell me where I can find the Incoming
directory? I'm probably being a bit daft, but I can't seem to find it under
ftp.debian.org - if that's where it is..

Thanks in advance!


Kevin Cave. A Scotsman living in London.
Registered Linux User #64441

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