
        I know this is off topic, but I don't have access to cola (and
newsgroups in general) and I feel more confortable asking here, because I
want Linux specific answers.

        Ten days ago a professor here bought a Pentium II/233 system. He
promptly installed Debian on it, and let me use it for my (thesis) work.
First thing I did was to benchmark the thing using a program of my own.
This program says a Pentium MMX/166 (my old pc) gives about 24 Mflop/s. A
Pentium/100 is about 16 Mflop/s. If the numbers are accurate or not, is
not in dispute now. What's important is the relative speed, and I find the
numbers quoted to be reasonable. (For those curious, it's 3 sums, 3
multiplications, 1 division)

The PII says 39 Mflop/s. Over the weekend, I bargained a PMMX/233, which
says 33 Mflops/s. I don't find this this reasonable at all! Taking as a
reference the performance leap from a 486DX4 -> Pentium (same clock speed)
I was kinda hoping something near 80 Mflop/s for the PII (yes, I know,
it's silly to take that as a reference, but one can only hope) 

I know I'm not playing fair comparing the systems this way (different
kernels, memory, chipset, ...) but I was hoping somebody could give better
statistics on this.

I'd really appreciate if somebody can help me on this one. We are planing
to build a Debian-based compute farm, and the cost difference between
PII's and plain Pentium's could translate into a big difference in the
number of hosts installed.

Side note: K5/133 = 9; K6/200 = 31; 486/66 = 4; RISC 9000 = 18; VAX
3000... oops, forgot about it, but it was surprisingly low.



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