Hi.  I'm not that clear on how Linux uses and organizes memory 
if anyone can provide some insight or other references. I'm 
using Debian Linux off the CD with the 2.0.30 kernel and no 
problems are noticed.  Below are the results from 'free' 
with notes on which applications I have started.  Obviously, 
as more applications are run, the amount of used memory 
increases, but when the applications are closed, the used 
memory does not return to the previous level and there is 
always less free memory after an application is started 
and then closed.  The free buffers remains somewhat constant 
but there is still some 'unexplained' loss here too. My questions
are these: 

What is the relationship between the free memory and the 
 free -/+ buffers?  
How is the difference between number 2 and number 5, below, 
 accounted for, just by starting and then stopping these 
Are there any utilities that can be used to investigate
 this further?

Any other info/explanation on any of the data below that
would help clear this up would be appreciated.

The results from free:

1. Linux 2.0.30 with X 3.3-3:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers    
Mem:         63376      15312      48064      11016       1156      
-/+ buffers:             5392      57984
Swap:        16124          0      16124

2. With X and Tkdesk:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers    
Mem:         63376      17380      45996      12420       1156      
-/+ buffers:             7460      55916
Swap:        16124          0      16124

3. With X, Tkdesk and Communicator 4.03:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers    
Mem:         63376      32192      31184      19208       1412     
-/+ buffers:            15208      48168
Swap:        16124          0      16124

4. With X, Tkdesk, Communicator 4.03 and StarOffice4.0:

             total       used       free     shared    buffers    
Mem:         63376      52364      11012      32876       1668     
-/+ buffers:            20924      42452
Swap:        16124          0      16124

5. With X and TkDesk but Communicator 4.03 and StarOffice 4.0 closed:   

             total       used       free     shared    buffers    
Mem:         63376      41152      22224      12840       1796     
-/+ buffers:             9292      54084
Swap:        16124          0      16124

tony mollica

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