At 03:19 +0100 1998-02-25, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
>On Wed, Feb 25, 1998 at 02:50:06AM +0000, Deniz Dogan wrote:
>> Is there any other options to use as MDA? Preferably, how can I solve
>> `connection
>> refuse` problem?
>Sorry, don't know. Try to look hard at the various files in /etc, as
>/etc/hosts*, /etc/resolv.conf etc...

One possibility is that the smtp entry in /etc/inetd.conf is not enabled
(ISTR, that a certain version of the smail package didn't properly enable
this in its postinst script).

Running (as root):
  `update-inetd --enable smtp' (no quotes) should fix that (or else it'll
punt safely).

Also, if one wants smail to run standalone, one can edit /etc/init.d/smail
and comment out the "exit 0" line near the top (IIRC, this may be necessary
for it to work at all with fetchmail. It will certainly make fetchmail
perform a bit better even if not required.).

Joel "Espy" Klecker    Debian GNU/Linux Developer    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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