[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Stern) writes:

> On Thu, 26 Feb 1998 22:19:37 EST, Lee Bradshaw wrote:


> > If I didn't mention this before, I'm not cc'ing you because ipa.net
> > rejects my "from " lines as spam.
> I don't understand why a correct header would be rejected.  I'd like to 
> see some details for the basis to this claim, because I use the same 
> address style as you and Daniel.  Please tell.

What about the envelope sender?  sendmail writes this as:

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Mar  1 16:12:31

or something similar at the top of the message.  qmail puts:

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

as RFC821 and RFC822 (4.3.1, 4.4.3) suggest.

It appears that the Debian list server renames this to
"X-Envelope-Sender:" before passing the message on, which shows that
Lee Bradshaw's envelope sender is (or has been)
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]", and yours (David Stern's) is
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]".  At least "localhost" will succeed in some DNS
lookups.  (I had my envelope sender set wrong until recently too.
It's difficult to notice.)  And it *is* forged by spammers.

The Return-Path is where bounced email should go, BTW, which is partly
why it gets forged.  Have either of you received any bounces lately?

         Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

          GNU GPL: "The Source will be with you... always."

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