Hello All,
        I just got a new video card, the Matrox Mystique 220.  I have been 
following this list for a while, and have observed that the Mystique is 
supported now.  However, after configuring for my card, and trying startx, my 
screen goes black, and the computer locks up - I can't ctl-alt F2 to another 
virtual terminal, and I can't ctl-alt-bksp to exit X11.  Reading the README.mga 
in the docs, it looks like I may have been mistaken about my card.
        My card uses the MGA-1164SG graphics chip, with internal RAMDAC.  The 
docs say the svga server supports the MGA-1064SG chip.  I'm using xserver-svga 
3.3-3 under hamm.  Is my card supported and I just need to recheck my 
configuration file?  Or do I need a different server?  Or am I just out of luck?
        I can run under xserver-vga16, but this is very unsatisfying.  Please 
help.  Thanks,

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