"Russ Cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have numerous packages installed on my system.  In the case of the
> xserver-svga package, the version number of the Bo package was higher than
> that of the Hamm package, and it was not apparent to me that I needed to
> reinstall it.  Is there a script similar to autoup.sh which will examine my
> system and compare my installed packages against the available Hamm
> packages, and tell me which ones need to be upgraded?

This sounds like the job dselect was designed for.

> BTW, I still can't email out from Linux using Pine and Sendmail.  I have to
> use Windows :(.  The problem seems to be in my username and domain.  My ISP
> doesn't recognize me.

Sigh... it seems as though everyone's having this problem lately.

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