On Thu, Apr 23, 1998 at 04:28:54PM +0200, E.L. Meijer Eric" wrote:
> > > As for the source package thing, if the binary generated by the user is
> > > exactly the same as the binary that would be provided in a .deb, what is
> > > the point?  It seems like a lot of extra work that changes absolutely
> > > nothing. Maybe I am a Rebel Without a Clue on this but it sure seems
> > > like a classic case of cranial rectosis to me.
> > 
> > As I understand it, the license forbids distribution of a modified
> > source or binary, but allows the distribution of patch files.
> Would it then even be possible to distribute binary patches?  So that
> you would have a pine-bare_x.y.deb containing the `approved' binary,
> and a pine-patch_x.y.deb containg the patch.  Then pine-bare_x.y.deb
> would `recommend' (strongly :)) pine-patch_x.y.deb.  On installation
> pine-patch_x.y.deb would patch the `approved' binary into the `debian'
> binary.

Bare pine is a policy nono.  Patches are needed to make it Debian-friendly
and fit policy.

The best way would be a pine-src package, really.  It's not that hard to
compile it.  =>

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