On Fri, Jul 03, 1998 at 10:21:26AM +0000, Ionut Borcoman at debian wrote:
> From: Ionut Borcoman at debian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I've downloaded some time ago the hamm. Now I need the lapack-dev, but
> it is nowhere between my downloaded files. I do not have for the moment
> a full connection so I do not know if it is still missing or no. Can
> somebody be so kind and tell me if it is back and at what ftp address
> does it have (for ftp-by-email) ? 

   I believe it was only recently recompiled for libc6 (just before code
freeze).  Try


> Is anybody packing c++/lapack++ ? How to link lapack to my c/c++
> programs ? 

   lapack-dev is a fortran library.  The consequence of this is that on
Linux, Irix, and perhaps other systems you need to call function_() instead
of function(), and pass all values by address.  For example:

Matrix& Matrix::invert() {
  int n=4,ipiv[4],info;
  float work[4];
  sgetrf_(&n,&n,m,&n,ipiv,&info);      // float m[4][4]
  return *this;

   Lapack++ hasn't been packaged yet, but would be welcome.  The successor,
NTL, might be a better time investment.  http://math.nist.gov/tnt/ 

> I've try something but got ld errors (actually I've forced the
> instalation of lapack-dev from bo which depends on libc5-dev, but got a
> lot of ld errors). Can I use lapack-dev from bo till I get lapack-dev
> from hamm ?

   I used the old lapack-dev for a while in a mixed libc5/libc6 environment,
but wouldn't suggest trusting it for production work.  If you compile with
the libc5 gcc-altdev package it should be safe.

Dr. Drake Diedrich, Research Officer - Computing, (02)6279-8302
John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University 0200
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