Weight Loss Secrets and $5,000/month GUARANTEED!

Don't trash this clever, innovative offer to LOSE WEIGHT while building 
residual income in your very own direct mail networking business!
Join today and lose those extra pounds!

Is Rich To You Just A Four Letter Word?

Make Cash Dollars Everday!

Receive Cash In Your Mailbox Everyday To Well Over $16,000,
While a GUARANTEED income of $5,000 to $200,000 Per Month Is Created For You 
Free Of Charge!  A $10 One Time Cost Ever!  No Hidden Charges!  GUARANTEED!

Read How You Can Do This From The Comfort Of Your Home!

Seeing how this offer has caught your attention so far, so it will for others 
that you mail it to!  That is why we experience well over a 10% response 
rate, mailing to just about any type of list!

You are provided with a written guarantee that, you will be earning over 
$5,000 a month in 90 days or we will make up the difference!  And you never 
pay more than $10 onetime ever!

Your task is to mail this identical offer (list sources provided) to others 
until you have 20 respondents.  We have such a high response rate, that it 
usually only takes 1 or 2 mailings of 100 to accomplish your part for our 
guarantee to work!

You never have to call anyone, or have anyone call you, EVER!  Those mailings 
will start the process of your cash flow in your mailbox everyday, earning 
you a possible $16,000 plus!  You keep all the cash!

At the same time, you are placed in 2 giant Network Marketing companies with 
no fees to join whatsoever!  You never pay for any brochures, sales aids, 
starter kits, or any promotional material ever.  It is all provided for free 
for you, and your entire organization, by the program monitor!

Again, no calling in or out to anyone.  The primary business monitor takes 
care of all the necessary material and motivation, through the mail, to build 
your downlines in both of these dynamite companies!  (He is over 95% 
successful at doing it).  This is done absolutely free, while you just handle 
these one time primary mailings of the "3 weight loss secrets" that cost only 
$10 once!

There is no additional cost to you or others for the "never before offered" 
guaranteed "weight loss secrets".  They work!

The purpose of these "weight loss secrets" for a one time cost of $10, is 
what will create the daily cash flow of spendable income for you, while the 
monitor takes care of building your massive residual income that will last 
for many years to come.

The guarantee states that if your combined income from both these companies 
is not $5000 by the 3rd monthly check, then send a copy of the checks to the 
monitor, and you will receive the difference.  You get to keep all the daily 
cash, your 1st and 2nd monthly checks, and all future checks.  It's the 3rd 
check that is guaranteed!  You are in no way involved, not even cost wise, in 
the building of your downlines in these 2 companies.  It's done for you.  You 
just cash the checks!




This is a fantastic home-based business, with thousands of fast ready cash 
dollars received daily, for a "one time only" investment of $10!  you never 
have to reach in your pocket again!  There is no other investment necessary! 

BUT FOR THE SAME $10, you receive the secrets of losing 15 pounds over the 
next 30 days, and keep the weight off forever!

No pills to buy or take!
No exercise necessary!
No starvation diets!
No hassle at all!

"It's like losing a 15 pound bowling ball that you carry around with you all 
the time."

And you can still eat all the same kinds of foods you are eating right now!  
"There are no menu changes or lists of foods to eat."


No matter how long you have been around!

A Wise man once said "To become rich, find a need out in the market place, 
and fill it!"  However, if you can "fill it" better and less expensive than 
anyone else can, you will want for nothing for the rest of your life!

No one has to be super intelligent to recognize two great needs in this 
country.  One... a simple, low cost, no fail, step by step method that can 
produce a massive influx of instant spendable income for anyone who wishes to 
take advantage of it, and Two.... the never ending "battle of the bulge"!

Why are most Americans overweight, while in foreign lands, most are slim and 
trim?  Why are fortunes being made and spent on thousands of products that 
people buy, only because it promises to lose weight?  Why are billions of 
dollars being spent on health clubs and home use devices that offer a 
"slimmer, trimmer you" through exercise?  WHY?  WHY?  WHY?

There is no way around the problem!  AMERICA IS OVERWEIGHT!

WHAT IF..........
You possessed 3 little known "weight loss secrets", used as a normal everyday 
way of life throughout Europe and Asia, that will guarantee at least a 15 
pound weight loss in 30 days to any overweight person who uses them?

WHAT IF..........
There were no pills, tablets, potions or lotions to buy or take, and still 
lose 15 pounds in 30 days?

WHAT IF..........
A person can still eat all the same foods they are now eating, in the same 
quantities, and still lose 15 pounds in 30 days?

WHAT IF..........
No exercise program is necessary, other than what a person does throughout 
their normal day's activity, and still lose 15 pounds in 30 days?

You can offer this no effort "weight loss secrets" to all of overweight 
America, for a one time cost to anyone of $10, and be in a position to make 
thousands of dollars for yourself at the same time?

DO YOU THINK..........
That maybe, just maybe....... you might have a winner on your hands?

15 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS...........
That's what the guaranteed says!  The average weight loss is usually higher, 
but to protect our guarantee, we state 15 pounds!  Some people, using the 3 
"weight loss secrets" experience 6,8, or even 10 pounds in their first week! 
 However, our guarantee, to be safe, states 15 pounds in 30 days, with no 
pills, dieting, extra exercise, or change of menu.  PERIOD!  END OF STORY!  
And the 3 "weight loss secrets" insures that the weight stays off!  No more 
"yo-yo" effect to damage the body!

The "No Hassle" $10 Instant Cash Business Plan 
The same $10 spent for the "weight loss secrets"

No presentations to make......
No meetings to attend......
No products to buy or stock......
No one to call (no phone numbers provided)......
No one calls you (no need to use your phone #).......

No checks to deposit (cash comes direct to your mailbox), no company to go 
out of business on you, no limit on income, no time clock to punch, no 
special equipment or training necessary, no office to drive to, work when you 
want, as often as you want, from the comfort of your own home!

All the necessary material and step by step instructions are provided by the 
Monitor, along with your FREE "bonus secret" that provides you with your 
continued income for years to come, even after you stop working the program! 
 You will also receive your "weight loss secrets" written guarantee from the 
Monitor.  All this, without spending one red cent beyond your original $10 


Lateral Income Or Multiplied Income?

If you had 20 people buy all 3 "weight loss secrets" from you for $10, you 
would only make $200 one time!  However, by following our simple "Multiplied 
Income" plan, you would still have the same 20 people purchase the "weight 
loss secrets" for $10, but, given that all things are equal, you would make 
$16,880 instead!

Here Is How It Works!
Phase 1
        You mail this exact offer (using your originals) to people just like 
you and me (sources provided)!  When 20 people have responded, you can stop 
mailing if you want!  Phase 1 is complete!  (Usually 1 or 2 mailings of 100 
will accomplish this.)

Those 20 people have sent you $4 each in cash (X20), earning you $80.  This 
should have replenished all your cost thus far!

Those 20 respondents have also sent you a self-addressed envelope for you to 
send them a copy (about 6 cents) of "weight loss secret #1"!  You received 
this original from the person in Spot #1.  That is all you have to provide!  
The Monitor takes care of supplying your 20 respondents all their material, 
just like he did for you!

Their original flyer will have their names in Spot #1, and your name will be 
in Spot #2!

Phase 2
As your 20 respondents complete their Phase 1, locating 20 people each, these 
new 400 people will send you $2 each and a self addressed envelope for you to 
send them a copy (about 6 cents) of "weight loss secret #2".  You have earned 
$800 in cash as your Phase 2 completes, and you had no expenses or 
involvement, like in the previous Phase!

These 400 new people will receive their flyer from the Monitor with their 
name in Spot #1, and your name will be in Spot #3!

Phase 3
These 400 people completing their Phase 1 in like manner, produces 8000 new 
respondents that send you $2 each for a copy of "weight loss secret #3" that 
you send in the same manner as before!  That's $16,000 of spendable cash 
income!  However, your income does not stop there!  (The free bonus secret 
from the Monitor will cover this).  Your mailing expenses stopped upon 
completion of Phase1.  Your only investment ever, was your original $10!

As you can see, it is a very rewarding, yet simple business, that you or 
anyone can conduct in their spare time at home!  The faster you and everyone 
can locate their 20 one time respondents, the faster you will receive $16,880 
in cash!  So put out as many mailings as you can, as fast as you can, to 
insure at least 20 respondents!

Funding the members in this program falls fully within the guidelines of the 
Law in all 50 states.

There is a specific monitoring sequence utilized in this program.  That means 
the program is watched by the monitor and all members to make sure everyone 
receives their money and that the membership list is not altered.  The 
performance of each member dictates the actual amount of money to be 
received.  Failure by any member to adhere to all rules and regulations as 
outlined will result in membership cancellation.

Altering the membership list in any way constitutes felonous fraud and in 
punishable by fines and imprisonment.
US RESIDENTS ONLY (void where prohibited by law)

The $10 Instant Cash Business Plan

You will receive from the Monitor all the camera ready originals necessary to 
make copies for your mailings.  The original of this flyer will have your 
name and address in spot #1.  The instructions will show how to prepare your 
offer and who to mail to, for maximum results.

Do not stop mailing out offers until you have 20 respondents that sent you $4 
each for "weight loss secret #1".  Most times this goal can be reached with 
one or two mailings of 100 offers.

These 20 will receive their camera ready copy from the Monitor with their 
name in the #1 spot, and your name will be in spot #2 on their flyer.  As 
they continue mailing until they receive 20 participants each, their combined 
400 participants will be mailing you $2 each for "weight loss secret #2", to 
be sent to them in the envelope they provided you.

The camera ready copy received by these 400 new people will have their name 
in spot #1, and your name will be in spot #3.  As they do the same in 
mailing, until they have their first 20 respondents, (8000 total combined), 
these new participants would have sent you $2 and a stamped envelope for 
"weight loss secret #3".

This is not a guarantee of exact income, only a projection of what will 
happen as each participant completes the task of mailing this offer until 
they have 20 respondents.  More or less income is possible, as each 
participant sets their own particular goals.  Of course, it all starts with 
you and your goals.

Spot #1 with 20 respondents at $4 each, nets you $80
Spot #2 with 400 respondents at $2 each, nets you $800
Spot #3 with 8000 respondents at $2 each, nets you $16,000

Because people are different, mailing times are various, responses may be 
instant or delayed, which will cause the above completion to be spread over 
several months.  So receiving massive orders all at once should not be 
expected.  However, do expect orders to be rolling in on a daily basis, once 
your first 20 people start their mailings.  

Needless to say ..... to get to the higher amount of cash respondents faster, 
get to your first 20 people faster!  Place your order today, so you can get 
started right away!


The $10 Instant Cash Business and Weight Loss Secrets Order Form

To receive your 3 little known secrets of the "no hassle" weight loss system 
and your success kit, complete the application below, and make 4 copies of 
this order form.  Send 1 copy with the proper amount of payment (cash only) 
to each of the participants in spots 1, 2, and 3.  Enclose a large (#10) 
stamped, self addressed envelope, to receive your weight loss secrets, and 
one loose extra first class stamp for monitoring purposes.

Send the 4th copy with $2 cash and 5 first class stamps to the monitor.  
You'll receive your original flyer with your name on it in the #1 slot, all 
other camera ready originals, your success kit, and your bonus material that 
ties all the weight loss secrets into an on-going "Money Making Machine" for 
years to come.  Keep in mind that you never have to pay more than $10 one 

We do not allow company names.  You must use your real first and last names. 
 Print clearly to insure accuracy.  Monitoring and typesetting take some time 
to complete properly.  Allow up to 10 days to receive your material from the 

For "weight loss secret #1"

Spot #1 Send $4, a stamped self addressed envelope, and 1 extra 1st class 
stamp for monitoring to :
Courtney MacInnes
1108 Brewer Pl.
Sarasota, FL  34236

For "weight loss secret #2"

Spot #2 Send $2, a stamped self addressed envelope, and 1 extra 1st class 
stamp for monitoring to :

Ellen Fields-Sischka
PO Box 5018-283
Newark, CA 94560-1210

For "weight loss secret #3"

Spot #3 Send $2, a stamped self addressed envelope, and 1 extra 1st class 
stamp for monitoring to :

Babbette L. Smith 
1240 E. Monroe
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

For camera ready originals, full instructional success kit, and your bonus 
material, send $2 and 5 first class stamps to Monitor at:

Larry Becker
6300-138 Creedmoor Road
Suite 426
Raleigh NC 27612

Please Print Clearly:
Phone: (        )___________________________



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