This one time, at band camp, Rohan Nicholls said:
> I have been using the mozilla imap client for my mail for a while now, 
> and am finding it very resource hungry.
> I have tried to get gnus working with teh exchange server at work, but 
> it will only see the inbox, and not its subfolders, and I find the lack 
> of multithreading (so stops while waiting for mail) a bit of a problem.
> I am thinking of installing evolution on the advice of another user, and 
> saw that it wants to install 30 megs of libraries etc. so that has made 
> me pause, although the possibility of being able to access the ldap 
> server would be nice....
> I have read and searched the web and tried out various clients, but 
> there are surprisingly few that imap happily.:)
> I am looking for advice on: a lean imap client (I have switched to 
> pheonix browser-wise and don't want the overhead of mozilla just for 
> mail), and/or an ldap client that talks to exchange server.  If both 
> come in the same package so much the better.  I use emacs a lot, so if 
> they can integrate with emacs to allow me to compose in emacs I would be 
> in heaven.:)
> thanks in advance for any advice.
> rohan

Try mutt - it does literally everything.  It understands IMAP, can use
LDAP for lookups (via little brother(IIRC)), is lightweight, highly
configurable, can use whatever editor you want for writing mail, does
gpg out of the box, and so many more things I'll run out of space before
I finish.  In short, it rocks.
|  Stephen Gran                  | "There are things that are so serious   |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | that you can only joke about them" -    |
| | Heisenberg                              |

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