"Person, Roderick" wrote:
> Hey All,
> Just venting.
> Recently I check out the Linux apps wish list web page! I though that it was
> mighty funny that the software that most people want to see ported to Linux
> is made by the big nasty Microsoft clan. Personally, I hate M$ and was glade
> to find Linux. If it wasn't for Linux I probably would have only used my PC
> for games, which is about the only thing I  WindBlows is go for (IMHO)!
> It seems to me that most Linux user feel the same way. I always read threads
> on the evil M$ or how bad Windblows is etc! So can someone tell me why the
> Hell everyone wants M$ apps ported to Linux - Doesn't that  defeat the
> purpose!!! Well to me it does.
> Just ranting.

I DON'T want "M$ Word" ported to linux, I don't use X.  I would like a
simple word processor (like WordPerfect 5.1 (or maybe less complex),)
but something that I can edit documents with.  I also would like a Lotus
123 Clone for the VT.  Is it out there, and I just can't find it or am I
barking up the wrong tree??


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