Karsten wrote:

> My /etc/apache/httpd.conf was automatically changed when I installed
> libapache-mod-roaming_0.9.1-1.deb and if I look in this file all the
> things mentioned in /usr/doc/llibapache-mod-roaming/README are present.
> I tried to re-install  libapache-mod-auth-sys_1.10-4.2.deb with out any
> luck.

Your authentication is probably not working because apache must be able to
read your shadow password file.  Only root and group shadow can read the
password file ... Apache runs under the user and group www-data.  Edit
/etc/apache/httpd.conf to make apache run as group shadow and you should
find that your authentication works.

This of course introduces some security concerns but I think is fairly
safe so long as your users cannot create links.  Your should have an
access control on Directory / to disallow links and then you'll be ok ...
I think ... but I'm not a security expert so be careful and ask around.


Fraser Campbell
Systems Administrator

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